HAPPY BIRTHDAY, ASH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Sorry to rain on your birthday parade, but can I just say that cake sucks?Not only did I have to pick up a 50 pound sheet cake from the grocery store and carry it up to my office, but then I had to stand around in a crowded room with people gorging themselves on chocolate cake w/ raspberry filling. About 15 people offered me a piece. It took everything in me to turn them down. It looked so damn good. I kept thinking, I could sneak a piece, but I held back, thinking of how just this morning I was complaining that I hadn't lost enough weight. OIE! It's tough being a South Beach-er. I wonder what the North Beach is like. Is that an all-cake diet? If so, I may be walking up the beach sometime soon.
Good day, busy day at work minus the cake incident. I'm working out with Tyler after work today, gonna do some arms, biking and some running in. Then home to figure out dinner. My food supply is dwindling but I'm too lazy to go to the store. I'll probably eat one of those delish. hot dogs. Seriously, they're so good. I got Oscar Meyer all-beef hot dogs, they were the best choice when I compared nutr. facts. I just pop one in the microwave for 45 secs. and I wa-la! I have lunch or dinner.
I'd love to get some salmon filets this weekend, but they're so expensive!
Breakfast: Turkey sausage patty, banana
Snack: Tangerine
Lunch: Roasted chicken, green beans & chickpeas
Snack: Carrots & string cheese
Dinner: Hot dog, 2 tuna lettuce-wiches...meaning tuna on romaine hearts. Oh, how they DO NOT COMPARE to a slice of bread...but I ran my BUM OFF tonight, so any food was good.
Tonight, I ran 2 miles with high resistance (8) woo hoo! Then did 2 arm exercises, an intense ab workout and also one for the chubs on my sides... I'm dead tired but I after a shower and some dinner, I feel good.
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