Since blogging is the new big thing in self-expression, I figured, why not start one for our little project?! So here we are, or rather, I am. 9 days out from the start of 2010, I'd be lying if I said I wasn't the slightest bit nervous. Because I'm lazy and because I know I need to do this, but truthfully, I would rather do anything else! Donate 500 gallons of blood, climb Everest without oxygen. Just kidding. (Sort of.)
As for me, I'm 22 (6 months out from turning 23), 5 foot 10 and 145 pounds (give-or-take a few.) :( It's been over 2 years since I've worked out regularly and actually paid attention to what I ate. That's not to say I eat horribly now, poorness and my conscience keep me from dining on twinkies, french fries and ice cream for every meal. That said, I need to take better care in the food department. I don't eat horribly, but I don't eat fantastically either and that needs to change. (Example: So far today, I've eaten: a large cinnamon bun (breakfast), a bowl of left-over spaghetti with grilled chicken and mushrooms (lunch) and 2 baby Crunch bars.) Balanced meals of convenience are all well and good, but if there isn't diligence, exercise and appropriate attention & care given to my body, the little good is quickly overcome by the bad.
What I'd like to get out of this whole thing is a better self-image (my fiance David cheers!). That will come from both physical and mental overhauls from losing weight, building up my endurance, toning my arms, back, legs and stomach and developing a healthy daily diet that works for me and gives me ENERGY. I am constantly tired and I think it stems from no exercise and poor diet. I'm not so much focused on numbers as they pertain to measurements, weight and clothing sizes, but ideally I wouldn't mind maintaining my curves but losing 10 pounds and being a comfortable size 6. It would be unrealistic to seek more than that. Anyway, here goes, and more details on "our plan" will be revealed at a later date!! --Lia
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
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